Mike Deffenbaugh

Sudoku Solver

A digital camera uses sensors to record incoming light that is then converted into a digital image. This image is stored as an array and can be read and manipulated just like any other array you might find in MATLAB (or other programming language). Although a camera can "see" the light just like our eyes can, the camera has no brain to process and make sense of the image. It is has no understanding of what any objects such as letters or faces look like. Writing these algorithms to extract important content is what the field of Computer Vision is all about.

I wanted to learn how computer vision works so I searched the internet and found a popular open-source Python library called OpenCV. Next I looked for tutorials to learn OpenCV and I found this great tutorial about capturing a Sudoku puzzle from an image. Since I had already written a Sudoku puzzle solver in Python awhile ago this seemed like the perfect introductory tutorial for me. The tutorial got me off to a good start but it left with me with a program that hardly worked. So I put a lot of effort into improving the program and got it to work pretty well.

The program first tries to locate the outer edges of the puzzle. This is accomplished by turning the image into grayscale (to simplify calculations) and then applying what is called an adaptive threshold which turns every pixel into either full white or full black. Now the computer can analyze the image to detect edges and find contour lines. The objects found by examination of these contours lines are then evaluated through a process called Object Character Recognition. This OCR process is a supervised machine-learning classification process referred to as K Nearest Neighbors. The OCR process returns a number and assembles a puzzle matrix. This puzzle matrix is a 9x9 array of known numbers 1-9 or 0s where the number is unknown. Then my puzzle solving algorithm goes to work and returns the solved puzzle. This solved puzzle is then redisplayed onto the live image of the puzzle.

Some other people have asked me if they could work on this code. Here is the information that I gave them that could get you started in learning how to work with this code. I would like to get around to cleaning it up eventually and making use of the normal Python documentation methods. Don't forget to read the relevant tutorial blog posts that I have posted above.

Let me explain a few initial things about this code:

  • You will need to use Python 2.7 and download the latest versions of numpy and OpenCV.
  • My camera was a Microsoft Kinect. So if you do not plan on using a Kinect you will have to modify the method of image capture. In that case you do not need the following module: import freenect. Additionally the Kinect captures a 640x480 image, I recommend that you re-size your captured image to be approximately this size when you are first learning how this program works.
  • There are Sudoku puzzles that are too hard for my solver and the solver may have to resort to taking many minutes of brute force random guessing.

The code contains 4 classes and a main loop. I'll briefly outline the big picture (most of this is included in comments in the code):

  1. class puzzleStatusClass: Everything that has to do with the actual Sudoku puzzle numbers.
    • current = 9x9 matrix of all solved values for the puzzle
    • solve = 9x9 list (initially contains 1-9 for each spot in the 9x9 grid) of all possible numbers allowed for that spot in the puzzle
    • prepSolve(): Prepares the solver
    • newSolve(): Makes adjustments after something has been changed in the solver
    • checkSolution(): Checks the entire puzzle using the 3 main rules of sudoku. Returns an error code.
    • removeRow(): Removes a list of numbers from a given row
    • removeColumn(): Removes a list of numbers from a given column
    • removeCell(): Removes a list of numbers from a given 3x3 cell
    • simpleElimination(): Uses the 3 main rules to eliminate numbers. Calls removeRow(), removeColumn(), removeCell().
  2. class imageClass: Everything that has to do with any image matrix
    • captured = Image captured by the camera
    • biggest = 4 coordinate points that describe the corners of the puzzle
    • captureImage(): Captures one image from the camera and attempts to find the largest rectangle (must be the Sudoku puzzle)
    • perspective(): Uses biggest to create a grid of 100 points to define the puzzle's 9x9 grid
    • warp(): Warps the image using the grid found in perspective() so that the image is a square with uniform 9x9 grid.
    • virtualImage(): Outputs the results of the solved puzzle onto the real image of the puzzle
  3. class OCRmodelClass: Everything that has to do with Object Character Recognition
    • model = cv2.KNearest() this is an object that attempts to determine what number is being read from the puzzle
    • OCR(): Prepares for the OCR process and runs through a loop of different morphologies to be used prior to attempting reading the puzzle
    • OCR_read(): Does the actual reading of the puzzle by looping through the contours and using model
  4. class solverStatusClass: Everything that has to do with the main loop and how far the entire program has progressed
  5. main(): This is the main loop that executes everything. This loop can be briefly explained by the following steps:
    1. Initialize an object for each of the classes
    2. Attempt to find a contour that is 4 sided with a large amount of area (this must be the Sudoku puzzle itself)
    3. Create a grid on this rectangle and warp it into a perfect square image
    4. Read the values from the square image to create the mathematical version of the puzzle
    5. Run the solver
    6. Output the solved puzzle onto the real image of the puzzle

Obvious areas for improvement would be the following:

  • Make it so that the algorithm can solve Sudoku puzzles that do not have a dark outer rectangle.
  • Incorporate this technique in the imageClass.perspective() method. I got that technique to work reliably for some puzzles, however it wasn't reliable enough for me. Maybe you can get it to work and then have the program default to my simpler grid-making method when that advanced technique doesn't work. Or maybe you can come up with an even better method.
  • Improve the OCRmodelClass.OCR() method to better prepare for accurate/quicker OCR readings.

What you can do right away:

Download all of the attached files and run sudokuSolver.py (I advise that you never run anything with OpenCV in it from Idle, I always run from the terminal). Since it won't detect that a Kinect is plugged in it will default to reading sudoku_test3.png and the program should run to completion. Ctrl-C or hold the escape key to stop the program.

Files that you can download:

Here is the code for the main program (can also be downloaded in the above links)

import cv2
import numpy as np
import freenect
import sys
import time
import math
import random as rn
import copy

class puzzleStatusClass:
    #this class defines the actual mathematical properties of the sudoku puzzle
    #and the associated methods used to solve the actual sudoku puzzle
    def __init__(self):
        #.current is a 9x9 grid of all solved values for the puzzle
        self.current = np.zeros((9,9),np.uint8) 
        self.currentBackup = np.zeros((9,9),np.uint8)
        #.last is used to compare to .current to evaluate whether two consecutive OCR results match
        self.last = np.zeros((9,9),np.uint8)
        #.orig is used to store the state of .current that is obtained from OCR,
        #but before solving for any new values
        self.orig = np.zeros((9,9),np.uint8)
        #.solve starts off by containing 1-9 in a 9 by 9 grid,
        #by process of elimination .solve will produce the final solution
        self.solve = [[[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] for x in range(9)] for y in range(9)]
        self.solveBackup = []
        #.change is True when the solver algorithm has made a change to .solve
        self.change = True
        #.guess is True when the solver has given up on analytical techniques
        #and has begun randomly guessing at the solution
        self.guess = False

    def prepSolve(self):
        #run once at beginning of solver
        #make sure .current and .solve are correctly corresponding
        for y in range(9):
            for x in range(9):
                if self.current[y,x] > 0:
                    self.solve[y][x] = [self.current[y,x]]

    def newSolve(self):
        #make sure .current and .solve are correctly corresponding after any changes are made
        for y in range(9):
            for x in range(9):
                if len(self.solve[y][x]) == 1:
                    self.current[y,x] = self.solve[y][x][0]
                if self.current[y,x] > 0:
                    self.solve[y][x] = [self.current[y,x]]

    def checkSolution(self):
        #check puzzle using three main rules
        err = 0 #error code
        #1) no number shall appear more than once in a row
        for x in range(9): #for each row
            #count how many of each number exists
            check = np.bincount(self.current[x,:])
            for i in range(len(check)):
                if i==0:
                    if check[i]!=0:
                        err = 1 #incomplete, when the puzzle is complete no zeros should exist
                    if check[i]>1:
                        err = -1 #incorrect, there can't be more than one of any number
                        print "ERROR in row ",x," with ",i
                        return err
        #2) no number shall appear more than once in a column
        for y in range(9): #for each column
            check = np.bincount(self.current[:,y])
            for i in range(len(check)):
                if i==0:
                    if check[i]!=0:
                        err = 1 #incomplete
                    if check[i]>1:
                        err = -1 #incorrect
                        print "ERROR in col ",y," with ",i
                        return err
        #3) no number shall appear more than once in a 3x3 cell
        for x in range(3):
            for y in range(3):
                check = np.bincount(self.current[x*3:x*3+3,y*3:y*3+3].flatten())
                for i in range(len(check)):
                    if i==0:
                        if check[i]!=0:
                            err = 1 #incomplete
                        if check[i]>1:
                            err = -1 #incorrect
                            print "ERROR in box ",x,y," with ",i
                            return err
        return err

    def removeRow(self,rem,y,exc=[]):
        #removes a list of numbers from a row
        #rem is a list of numbers to be removed, may contain zeros (ignored)
        #y is the current row being operated on
        #exc is an index of row y to exlude from this removal process
        while True:
            n = rem.count(0)
            if n==0:
        for i in range(9): #index in row
            for q in rem: #for each number to be removed
                if self.solve[y][i].count(q)>0 and len(self.solve[y][i])!=1 and exc.count(i)==0:
                    self.change = True

    def removeColumn(self,rem,x,exc=[]):
        #removes a list of numbers from a column
        #rem is a list of numbers to be removed, may contain zeros (ignored)
        #x is the current row being operated on
        #exc is an index of row y to exlude from this removal process
        while True:
            n = rem.count(0)
            if n==0:
        for i in range(9): #index of the col
            for q in rem: #for each number to be removed
                if self.solve[i][x].count(q)>0 and len(self.solve[i][x])!=1 and exc.count(i)==0:
                    self.change = True

    def removeCell(self,rem,xcell,ycell,exc=[]):
        #removes a list of numbers from a 3x3 cell
        #rem is a list of numbers to be removed, may contain zeros (ignored)
        #xcell is the current list of x cols to be removing from
        #ycell is the current list of y rows to be removing from
        #exc is an list of [y,x] pairs to exclude from this removal process
        go = True
        while True:
            n = rem.count(0)
            if n==0:
        for x in xcell:
            for y in ycell:
                for q in rem: #for each number to be removed
                    if self.solve[y][x].count(q)>0 and len(self.solve[y][x])!=1 and exc.count([y,x])==0:
                        self.change = True
        for i in range(3):
            ycell[i] += 3
        if ycell[0] == 9:
            for i in range(3):
                xcell[i] += 3
                ycell[i] -= 9
        if xcell[0] == 9:
            go = False
        return go

    def simpleElimination(self):
        #eliminates simply by using the three main rules
        print "---SIMPLE RULES ELIMINATION---"
        #row elimination
        for y in range(9):
            rem = list(self.current[y])
        #column elimination
        for x in range(9):
            rem = list(self.current[:,x])
        #cell elimination
        xcell = [0,1,2]
        ycell = [0,1,2]
        go = True
        while go:
            rem = []
            for x in xcell:
                for y in ycell:
            go = self.removeCell(rem,xcell,ycell)

    def pairsElimination(self):
        #removes any matching pairs from the spots not containing the matching pair,
        #for example if one row has a three blanks with [1,2,3,4] , [1,2] , [1,2] ...,
        #then you would eliminate [1,2] from the spot containing [1,2,3,4]
        print "---PAIR ELIMINATION---"
        for y in range(9):
            j_used = [] #initialize for the loop
            for i in range(9): #each index of the row
                if j_used.count(i)==0: #hasn't been searched yet
                    if self.solve[y].count(self.solve[y][i]) == 2 and len(self.solve[y][i]) == 2:
                        #list of length 2 repeats twice
                        j = self.solve[y][i+1:].index(self.solve[y][i])+i+1 #the other index
                        tot = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
                        for k in range(9): #for each index in row
                            for p in range(len(self.solve[y][k])): #for each possible number in the index
                                tot[self.solve[y][k][p]]+=1 #store index of that number
                        if tot[self.solve[y][i][0]]!=2 and tot[self.solve[y][i][1]]!=2:
                            rem = self.solve[y][i]
                            exc = [i,j]
                            self.change = True
        for x in range(9):
            j_used = [] #initialize for the loop
            col_solve = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]]
            for i in range(9): #each index of the column
                col_solve[i] = self.solve[i][x]
            for i in range(9): #each index of the column
                if j_used.count(i)==0: #hasn't been searched yet
                    if col_solve.count(col_solve[i]) == 2 and len(col_solve[i]) == 2:
                        #list of length 2 repeats twice
                        j = col_solve[i+1:].index(col_solve[i])+1+i #the other index
                        tot = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
                        for k in range(9): #for each index in row
                            for p in range(len(col_solve[k])): #for each possible number in the index
                                tot[col_solve[k][p]]+=1 #store index of that number
                        if tot[col_solve[i][0]]!=2 and tot[col_solve[i][1]]!=2:
                            rem = col_solve[i]
                            exc = [i,j]
                            self.change = True
        for x in range(3):
            for y in range(3):
                j_used = [] #initialize for the loop
                cell_solve = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]]
                cell_solve[0:3] = self.solve[y*3][x*3:x*3+3]
                cell_solve[3:6] = self.solve[y*3+1][x*3:x*3+3]
                cell_solve[6:9] = self.solve[y*3+2][x*3:x*3+3]
                for i in range(9): #each index of the column
                    if j_used.count(i)==0: #hasn't been searched yet
                        if cell_solve.count(cell_solve[i]) == 2 and len(cell_solve[i]) == 2:
                            #list of length 2 repeats twice
                            j = cell_solve[i+1:].index(cell_solve[i])+1+i #the other index
                            tot = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
                            for k in range(9): #for each index in row
                                for p in range(len(cell_solve[k])): #for each possible number in the index
                                    tot[cell_solve[k][p]]+=1 #store index of that number
                            if tot[cell_solve[i][0]]!=2 and tot[cell_solve[i][1]]!=2:
                                exc = [[y*3+i/3,x*3+i%3],[y*3+j/3,x*3+j%3]]
                                rem = cell_solve[i]
                                xcell = [x*3,x*3+1,x*3+2]
                                ycell = [y*3,y*3+1,y*3+2]
                                self.change = True

    def hiddenPairsElimination(self):
        #similar to pairsElimination but searches for hidden pairs instead, takes longer
        print "---HIDDEN PAIRS ELIMINATION---"
        for y in range(9): #for each row
            #represents where that number is possible in the row
            pos = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]] #first index not used
            for i in range(9): #for each index in row
                for j in range(len(self.solve[y][i])): #for each possible number in the index
                    pos[self.solve[y][i][j]].append(i) #store index of that number
            j_used = [] #initialize for the loop
            for i in range(1,10): #for every number 1-9
                if j_used.count(i)==0: #hasn't been searched before
                    if pos.count(pos[i]) == 2 and len(pos[i])==2: #and there are two matching pairs
                        j = pos[i+1:].index(pos[i])+i+1
                        #i.e. two different numbers can only appear in the same two spots
                        #now we know all other instances of that number anywhere else can be removed
                        keep = [i,j]
                        newchange = False
                        if self.solve[y][pos[i][0]] != keep:
                            self.solve[y][pos[i][0]] = keep
                            self.change = True
                            newchange = True
                        if self.solve[y][pos[i][1]] != keep:
                            self.solve[y][pos[i][1]] = keep
                            self.change = True
                            newchange = True
        for x in range(9): #for each col
            #represents where that number is possible in the row
            pos = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]] #first index not used
            for i in range(9): #for each index in col
                for j in range(len(self.solve[i][x])): #for each possible number in the index
                    pos[self.solve[i][x][j]].append(i) #store index of that number
            j_used = [] #initialize for the loop
            for i in range(1,10): #for every number 1-9
                if j_used.count(i)==0: #hasn't been searched before
                    if pos.count(pos[i]) == 2 and len(pos[i])==2: #and there are two matching pairs
                        j = pos[i+1:].index(pos[i])+i+1
                        #ie. two different numbers can only appear in the same two spots
                        #now we know all other instances of that number anywhere else can be removed
                        keep = [i,j]
                        newchange = False
                        if self.solve[pos[i][0]][x] != keep:
                            self.solve[pos[i][0]][x] = keep
                            self.change = True
                            newchange = True
                        if self.solve[pos[i][1]][x] != keep:
                            self.solve[pos[i][1]][x] = keep
                            self.change = True
                            newchange = True
        xcell = [0,1,2]
        ycell = [0,1,2]
        go = True
        while go:
            #represents where that number is possible in the row
            pos = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]] #first index not used
            for x in xcell:
                for y in ycell:
                    for j in range(len(self.solve[y][x])): #for each possible number in the index
                        pos[self.solve[y][x][j]].append([y,x]) #store [y,x] of that number
            j_used = []
            for i in range(1,10): #for every number 1-9
                if j_used.count(i)==0: #hasn't been searched before
                    if pos.count(pos[i]) == 2 and len(pos[i])==2: #and there are two matching pairs
                        j = pos[i+1:].index(pos[i])+i+1
                        #ie. two different numbers can only appear in the same two spots
                        #now we know all other instances of that number anywhere else can be removed
                        keep = [i,j]
                        y1 = pos[i][0][0]
                        x1 = pos[i][0][1]
                        y2 = pos[i][1][0]
                        x2 = pos[i][1][1]
                        newchange = False
                        if self.solve[y1][x1] != keep:
                            self.solve[y1][x1] = keep
                            self.change = True
                            newchange = True
                        if self.solve[y2][x2] != keep:
                            self.solve[y2][x2] = keep
                            self.change = True
                            newchange = True
            #determine next cell or exit the while loop
            for i in range(3):
                ycell[i] += 3
                if ycell[0] == 9:
                    for i in range(3):
                        xcell[i] += 3
                        ycell[i] -= 9
                if xcell[0] == 9:
                    go = False

    def maskElimination(self,mask,x,y):
        #used with deep_elim
        mask[x,:] = -1 #change entire row to mask=-1
        mask[:,y] = -1 #change entire col to mask=-1
        mask[(x/3)*3:(x/3)*3+3,(y/3)*3:(y/3)*3+3] = -1

    def deepElimination(self):
        #analyzes entire puzzle once for each number 1-9 in an
        #attempt to combine row slicing, column slicing, and boxing methods
        print "---DEEP ELIMINATION---"
        for n in range(1,10): #for each number 1-9
            mask = np.zeros((9,9),np.int8)
            taken = np.transpose(np.nonzero(self.current)) #coordinate pairs of nonzeros
            for i in taken:
                x = i[0]
                y = i[1]
                mask[x,y] = -1 #if non zero change mask=-1
                if self.current[x,y] == n: #if non zero number is n
            x = 0 #initialize x
            while x<9: #search every row
                if np.count_nonzero(mask[x,:]) == 8: #if only one spot is open
                    y = np.argmax(mask[x,:]) #finds index of the single zero
                    mask[x,y] = -1
                    self.current[x,y] = n #set new number in main puzzle
                    self.change = True
                    x = -1 #start back from beginning
            y = 0 #initialize y
            while y<9: #search every col
                if np.count_nonzero(mask[:,y]) == 8: #if only one spot is open
                    x = np.argmax(mask[:,y]) #finds index of the single zero
                    mask[x,y] = -1
                    self.current[x,y] = n #set new number in main puzzle
                    self.change = True
                    y = -1 #start back from beginning
            newchange = True
            while newchange==True:
                newchange = False
                for x in range(3):
                    for y in range(3):
                        if np.count_nonzero(mask[x*3:x*3+3,y*3:y*3+3].flatten()) == 8:
                            i = np.argmax(mask[x*3:x*3+3,y*3:y*3+3].flatten())
                            xycd = [x*3+i/3,y*3+i%3]
                            mask[xycd[0],xycd[1]] = -1
                            self.current[xycd[0],xycd[1]] = n
                            self.change = True
                            newchange = True #start back from beginning
                            self.change = True

    def guessElimination(self,image):
        #brute force random guessing
        self.change = True
        if self.guess == False:
            self.guess = True
            self.solveBackup = copy.deepcopy(self.solve)
            self.currentBackup = np.copy(self.current)
        i = 0
        while True:
            ri = rn.randint(0,8)
            rj = rn.randint(0,8)
            if len(self.solve[ri][rj])==2:
                rpick = rn.randint(0,1)
                print "solve was:",self.solve[ri][rj]
                print "2:making new guess of",self.solve[ri][rj][rpick]," at ",ri,rj
            if len(self.solve[ri][rj])==3 and i>100:
                rpick = rn.randint(0,2)
                print "solve was:",self.solve[ri][rj]
                print "3:making new guess of",self.solve[ri][rj][rpick]," at ",ri,rj
            if len(self.solve[ri][rj])==4 and i>200:
                rpick = rn.randint(0,3)
                print "solve was:",self.solve[ri][rj]
                print "4:making new guess of",self.solve[ri][rj][rpick]," at ",ri,rj
            if i>300:
                self.change = False
                print "no guesses to be made?"

    def guessRestart(self,image):
        #make a new guess after an initial guess proved incorrect
        print "bad guess made, restarting guess..."
        #restore backup
        self.solve = copy.deepcopy(self.solveBackup)
        self.current = np.copy(self.currentBackup)
        image.output = np.copy(image.outputBackup)
        #make a new guess

class imageClass:
    #this class defines all of the important image matrices, and information about the images.
    #also the methods associated with capturing input, displaying the output,
    #and warping and transforming any of the images to assist with OCR
    def __init__(self):
        #.captured is the initially captured image
        self.captured = []
        #.gray is the grayscale captured image
        self.gray = []
        #.thres is after adaptive thresholding is applied
        self.thresh = []
        #.contours contains information about the contours found in the image
        self.contours = []
        #.biggest contains a set of four coordinate points describing the
        #contours of the biggest rectangular contour found
        self.biggest = None;
        #.maxArea is the area of this biggest rectangular found
        self.maxArea = 0
        #.output is an image resulting from the warp() method
        self.output = []
        self.outputBackup = []
        self.outputGray = []
        #.mat is a matrix of 100 points found using a simple gridding algorithm
        #based on the four corner points from .biggest
        self.mat = np.zeros((100,2),np.float32)
        #.reshape is a reshaping of .mat
        self.reshape = np.zeros((100,2),np.float32)
    def captureImage(self,status):
        #captures the image and finds the biggest rectangle
            rgb,_ = freenect.sync_get_video()
            bgr = cv2.cvtColor(rgb,cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
            self.captured = bgr
        except TypeError:
            print "No Kinect Detected!"
            print "Loading sudoku.jpg..."
            #for testing purposes
            img = cv2.imread('sudoku_test3.png')
            self.captured = cv2.resize(img,(600,600))

        #convert to grayscale
        self.gray = cv2.cvtColor(self.captured, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

        #noise removal with gaussian blur
        self.gray = cv2.GaussianBlur(self.gray,(5,5),0)
        #then do adaptive thresholding
        self.thresh = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(self.gray,255,1,1,11,2)

        #find countours in threshold image
        self.contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(self.thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)

        #evaluate all blobs to find blob with biggest area
        #biggest rectangle in the image must be sudoku square
        self.biggest = None
        self.maxArea = 0
        for i in self.contours:
            area = cv2.contourArea(i)
            if area > 50000: #50000 is an estimated value for the kind of blob we want to evaluate
                peri = cv2.arcLength(i,True)
                approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(i,0.02*peri,True)
                if area > self.maxArea and len(approx)==4:
                    self.biggest = approx
                    self.maxArea = area
                    best_cont = i
        if self.maxArea > 0:
            status.noDetect = 0 #reset
            status.detect += 1
            #draw self.biggest approx contour
            if status.completed:
            elif status.puzzleFound:
            self.reorder() #reorder self.biggest
            status.noDetect += 1
            if status.noDetect == 20:
                print "No sudoku puzzle detected!"
            if status.noDetect > 50:
                status.restart = True
        if status.detect == 25:
                status.puzzleFound = True
                print "Sudoku puzzle detected!"
        if status.beginSolver == False or self.maxArea == 0:
            cv2.imshow('sudoku', self.captured)
            key = cv2.waitKey(10)
            if key==27:
    def reorder(self):
        #reorders the points obtained from finding the biggest rectangle
        #[top-left, top-right, bottom-right, bottom-left]
        a = self.biggest.reshape((4,2))
        b = np.zeros((4,2),dtype = np.float32)
        add = a.sum(1)
        b[0] = a[np.argmin(add)] #smallest sum
        b[2] = a[np.argmax(add)] #largest sum
        diff = np.diff(a,axis = 1) #y-x
        b[1] = a[np.argmin(diff)] #min diff
        b[3] = a[np.argmax(diff)] #max diff
        self.biggest = b

    def perspective(self):
        #create 100 points using "biggest" and simple gridding algorithm,
        #these 100 points define the grid of the sudoku puzzle
        #topLeft-topRight-bottomRight-bottomLeft = "biggest"
        b = np.zeros((100,2),dtype = np.float32)
        if self.biggest == None:
            self.biggest = [[0,0],[640,0],[640,480],[0,480]]
        tl,tr,br,bl = self.biggest[0],self.biggest[1],self.biggest[2],self.biggest[3]
        for k in range (0,100):
            i = k%c_sqrt
            j = k/c_sqrt
            ml = [tl[0]+(bl[0]-tl[0])/9*j,tl[1]+(bl[1]-tl[1])/9*j]
            mr = [tr[0]+(br[0]-tr[0])/9*j,tr[1]+(br[1]-tr[1])/9*j]
##            self.mat[k,0] = ml[0]+(mr[0]-ml[0])/9*i
##            self.mat[k,1] = ml[1]+(mr[1]-ml[1])/9*i
        self.reshape = self.mat.reshape((c_sqrt,c_sqrt,2))

    def warp(self):
        #take distorted image and warp to flat square for clear OCR reading
        mask = np.zeros((self.gray.shape),np.uint8)
        kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE,(11,11))
        close = cv2.morphologyEx(self.gray,cv2.MORPH_CLOSE,kernel)
        division = np.float32(self.gray)/(close)
        result = np.uint8(cv2.normalize(division,division,0,255,cv2.NORM_MINMAX))
        result = cv2.cvtColor(result,cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
        output = np.zeros((450,450,3),np.uint8)
        for i,j in enumerate(self.mat):
            ri = i/c_sqrt
            ci = i%c_sqrt
            if ci != c_sqrt-1 and ri != c_sqrt-1:
                source = self.reshape[ri:ri+2, ci:ci+2 , :].reshape((4,2))
                dest = np.array( [ [ci*450/(c_sqrt-1),ri*450/(c_sqrt-1)],[(ci+1)*450/(c_sqrt-1),
                            [(ci+1)*450/(c_sqrt-1),(ri+1)*450/(c_sqrt-1)] ], np.float32)
                trans = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(source,dest)
                warp = cv2.warpPerspective(result,trans,(450,450))
                output[ri*450/(c_sqrt-1):(ri+1)*450/(c_sqrt-1) , ci*450/(c_sqrt-1):(ci+1)*450/
                       (c_sqrt-1)] = warp[ri*450/(c_sqrt-1):(ri+1)*450/(c_sqrt-1) ,
        output_backup = np.copy(output)
        key = cv2.waitKey(1)
        self.output = output
        self.outputBackup = output_backup

    def virtualImage(self,puzzle):
        #output known sudoku values to the real image
        j = 0
        tsize = (math.sqrt(self.maxArea))/400
        w = int(20*tsize)
        h = int(25*tsize)
        for i in range(100):
##            x = int(self.mat[i][0]+8*tsize)
##            y = int(self.mat[i][1]+8*tsize)
            x = int(self.mat.item(i,0)+8*tsize)
            y = int(self.mat.item(i,1)+8*tsize)
            if i%10!=9 and i/10!=9:
                yc = j%9
                xc = j/9
                if puzzle.original[xc,yc]==0 and puzzle.current[xc,yc]!=0:
                    string = str(puzzle.current[xc,yc])
        key = cv2.waitKey(10)
        if key==27:

class OCRmodelClass:
    #this class defines the data used for OCR,
    #and the associated methods for performing OCR
    def __init__(self):
        samples = np.loadtxt('generalsamples.data',np.float32)
        responses = np.loadtxt('generalresponses.data',np.float32)
        responses = responses.reshape((responses.size,1))
        #.model uses kNearest to perform OCR
        self.model = cv2.KNearest()
        #.iterations contains information on what type of morphology to use
        self.iterations = [-1,0,1,2]
        self.lvl = 0 #index of .iterations
    def OCR(self,status,image,puzzle):
        #preprocessing for OCR
        #convert image to grayscale
        gray = cv2.cvtColor(image.output, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        #noise removal with gaussian blur
        gray = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray,(5,5),0)
        image.outputGray = gray
        #attempt to read the image with 4 different morphology values and find the best result
        self.success = [0,0,0,0]
        self.errors = [0,0,0,0]
        for self.lvl in self.iterations:
            image.output = np.copy(image.outputBackup)
            if self.errors[self.lvl+1]==0:
                self.errors[self.lvl+1] = puzzle.checkSolution()
        best = 8
        for i in range(4):
            if self.success[i] > best and self.errors[i]>=0:
                best = self.success[i]
                ibest = i
        print "success:",self.success
        print "errors:",self.errors
        if best==8:
            print "ERROR - OCR FAILURE"
            status.restart = True
            print "final morph erode iterations:",self.iterations[ibest]
            image.output = np.copy(image.outputBackup)
            self.lvl = self.iterations[ibest]
            key = cv2.waitKey(1)

    def OCR_read(self,status,image,puzzle):
        #perform actual OCR using kNearest model
        thresh = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(image.outputGray,255,1,1,7,2)
        if self.lvl >= 0:
            morph = cv2.morphologyEx(thresh,cv2.MORPH_ERODE,None,iterations = self.lvl)
        elif self.lvl == -1:
            morph = cv2.morphologyEx(thresh,cv2.MORPH_DILATE,None,iterations = 1)

        thresh_copy = morph.copy()
        #thresh2 changes after findContours
        contours,hierarchy = cv2.findContours(morph,cv2.RETR_LIST,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
        thresh = thresh_copy

        puzzle.current = np.zeros((9,9),np.uint8)

        # testing section
        for cnt in contours:
            if cv2.contourArea(cnt)>20:
                [x,y,w,h] = cv2.boundingRect(cnt)
                if  h>20 and h<40 and w>8 and w<40:
                    if w<20:
                        diff = 20-w
                        x -= diff/2
                        w += diff
                    sudox = x/50
                    sudoy = y/50
                    #prepare region of interest for OCR kNearest model
                    roi = thresh[y:y+h,x:x+w]
                    roismall = cv2.resize(roi,(25,35))
                    roismall = roismall.reshape((1,875))
                    roismall = np.float32(roismall)
                    #find result
                    retval, results, neigh_resp, dists = self.model.find_nearest(roismall, k = 1)
                    #check for read errors
                    if results[0][0]!=0:
                        string = str(int((results[0][0])))
                        if puzzle.current[sudoy,sudox]==0:
                            puzzle.current[sudoy,sudox] = int(string)
                            self.errors[self.lvl+1]=-2 #double read error
                        self.errors[self.lvl+1]=-3 #read zero error

class solverStatusClass:
    #this class defines the status of the main loop
    def __init__(self):
        #.beginSolver becomes true when the puzzle is completely captured and ready to solve
        self.beginSolver = False
        #.puzzleFound becomes true when the puzzle is thought to be found but not yet read with OCR
        self.puzzleFound = False
        #.puzzleRead becomes true when OCR has confirmed the puzzle
        self.puzzleRead = False
        #.restart becomes true when the main loop needs to restart
        self.restart = False
        #.completed becomes true when the puzzle has been solved
        self.completed = False
        #.number of times imageClass.captureImage() detects no puzzle
        self.noDetect = 0
        #.number of times imageClass.captureImage() detects a puzzle
        self.detect = 0

def main():
    reader = OCRmodelClass()
    while True:
        status = solverStatusClass()
        while status.beginSolver == False:
            status = solverStatusClass()
            puzzle = puzzleStatusClass()
            image = imageClass()
            print "Waiting for puzzle..."
            while status.puzzleFound == False:
                if status.restart == True:
            while status.puzzleRead == False and status.puzzleFound == True:
                if status.restart == True:
                    print "Restarting..."
                elif np.array_equal(puzzle.current,puzzle.last):
                    status.beginSolver = True
                    status.puzzleRead = True
                    print "Rechecking for Puzzle Match..."
                    puzzle.last = np.copy(puzzle.current)

        print "Starting Solver..."
        start_time = time.time()
        puzzle.original = np.copy(puzzle.current)
        while puzzle.change:
            t1 = time.time()
            t2 = time.time()
            t3 = time.time()
            t4 = time.time()
            if np.count_nonzero(puzzle.current) == 81 and puzzle.guess==False:
            puzzle.change = False
            print "Change:",puzzle.change
            if puzzle.change:
                err = puzzle.checkSolution()
                print "exit flag:",err
                if err == -1:
                    if puzzle.guess == False:
                print "Change:",puzzle.change
                if puzzle.change:
                    err = puzzle.checkSolution()
                    print "exit flag:",err
                    if err == -1:
                        if puzzle.guess == False:
                    print "Change:",puzzle.change
                    if puzzle.change:
                        err = puzzle.checkSolution()
                        print "exit flag:",err
                        if err == -1:
                            if puzzle.guess == False:
                        print "Change:",puzzle.change
                        if puzzle.change:
                            err = puzzle.checkSolution()
                            print "exit flag:",err
                            if err == -1:
                                if puzzle.guess == False:
                            err = puzzle.checkSolution()
                            if err == 0:
                                err = puzzle.checkSolution()
                                print "exit flag:",err
                                while err == -1:
                                    err = puzzle.checkSolution()
                                    print "exit flag:",err
            #continuation of: while puzzle.change:
            t5 = time.time()
            print "capture time: ",t2-t1
            print "perspective time: ",t3-t2
            print "virtual time: ",t4-t3
            print "solve loop time: ", t5-t4
        #continuation of: while True::                     
        err = puzzle.checkSolution()
        print "exit flag:",err
        elapsed = time.time() - start_time
        print "elapsed time: ",elapsed
        if err==0:
            print "SOLVED!"
            status.completed = True
        while status.completed == True:
            #final loop to be run after puzzle is solved
            t1 = time.time()
            if status.restart == True:
                print "Restarting..."
            t2 = time.time()
            print "capture time: ",t2-t1
            if image.maxArea > 0:
                t3 = time.time()
                print "perspective time: ",t3-t2
                t4 = time.time()
                print "virtual time: ",t4-t3

if __name__ == '__main__': main()